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All expatriates who wish to work legally in Malaysia are required to obtain an employment pass first. To obtain this pass, you will need to find a Malaysian company that is willing to hire you and subsequently apply for the employment pass on your behalf.

Employment Passes in Malaysia

In this section, we will summarize the following key work visas in Malaysia:

Employment Pass

An Employment Pass (EP) in Malaysia is the most common work visa issued to highly skilled foreign nationals who mainly take up managerial/executive/technical positions.

EP applicants are required to have proper academic qualifications and at least 3-5 years of relevant working experience.

The EP is issued depending on your position and salary. Check out the following 3 tiers:

Key Posts Managerial/Professional Posts Non-Executive Posts
CEOs, Technical/Managing Directors, Project Managers or Executives etc. Marketing/Investment Managers, Directors, Architects etc. Manufacturing, Food Technologists, Designers etc.
  • Min. monthly salary of RM10,000
  • Work contract of up to 5 years
  • EP renewable
  • Min. monthly salary between RM5,000-RM9,999
  • Work contract of up to 2 years
  • EP renewable
  • Min. monthly salary between RM3,000-RM4,999
  • Work contract of up to 2 years
  • EP cannot be renewed more than 2 times

Professional Visit Pass

The Professional Visit Pass (PVP) is issued to foreign workers who are working in Malaysia for a short period of time without being employed in any Malaysian company and are paid by their overseas company.

However, a sponsor in Malaysia is required to apply for the PVP on your behalf.

Foreign workers in the following categories are eligible for the PVP:

  • Foreign artists in filming/performing arts
  • Islamic missionaries or other Religious workers
  • Government officials on official visits
  • Volunteers

*Take note that the above categories are not exhaustive.

Dependent Pass

Certain foreigners working or studying in Malaysia are allowed to bring their dependents via a Dependent Pass (DP). Foreigners in these categories can apply:

  • EP Category 1 holders (Key positions with min. monthly salary of RM10,000)
  • EP Category 2 holders (Managerial positions with min. monthly salary of RM5,000-RM9,999)
  • Student Pass Holder taking up Masters or PhD studies in a Malaysian institute.

If you are an EP category 1 or 2 holder, you are allowed to apply a DP for your:

  • Legal spouse
  • Biological, adopted, or stepchild below the age of 21 years
  • Dependent children with a physical or mental disability of any age

How InCorp Can Help

We help foreigners to migrate to Malaysia by providing them with professional advice on immigration regulations, vetting all documents required prior to submission, and submitting work pass applications seamlessly to the relevant government authorities.

Apart from foreigners who wish to work, we also assist foreign entrepreneurs seeking opportunities to set up businesses in Malaysia.

InCorp also offers the following services in Malaysia:

Contact Our Malaysia Team

Ng Cheong Seng

Ng Cheong Seng

CEO, Malaysia

Business Financial Management and Advisory

We help foreigners work, live, and start a company here in Malaysia seamlessly

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