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Lee Wei Hsiung

Lee Wei Hsiung



Corporate Secretarial Services


Wei Hsiung is the Head of Corporate Secretarial Division of InCorp Global. He has more than 20 years of experience in the corporate secretarial profession. His extensive experience includes all aspects of corporate secretarial compliance, company registration, initial public offering (IPO), corporate restructuring and various corporate actions.

In the course of his secretarial practice, Wei Hsiung has served as Company Secretary to clients from diverse industries, including private limited companies, financial institutions regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, SGX-listed companies, offshore companies, variable capital companies (VCC), and not-for-profit charitable organisations.

Qualifications / Professional Memberships

  • Associate member of the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore (CSIS)
  • Holding CSIS Practising Certificate
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