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Episode 2: Industry 4.0 Advanced Manufacturing

In this second episode, Alfred Lum, Chief Commercial Officer of InCorp chats with experts Wei Wen Ng, Regional Director (America East) of the Singapore Economic Development Board, and Alpesh Patel, Partner at McKinsey & Company on the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI), on the rise of Industry 4.0, businesses scaling pitfalls and how Southeast Asia is poised to make a huge impact in advanced manufacturing over the next few years.

Listen here on the go:

Skip to the essentials

  • 01:22  Introduction of Wei Wen Ng, Regional Director (America East), Singapore EDB
  • 01:59  Introduction of Alpesh Patel, Partner, Singapore (McKinsey & Company)
  • 03:03  What is Industry 4.0?
  • 03:55  What is The Global Lighthouse Network?
  • 06:16  What is Smart Industry Readiness Index, SIRI?
  • 06:50  What are the uses of SIRI?
  • 08:38  Industry sectors that are thriving from adopting Industry 4.0
  • 11:13  First mover advantage of adopting Industry 4.0
  • 15:34  Initiatives in Singapore for SMEs to adopt Industry 4.0
  • 16:15  Advantages for an SME to adopt Industry 4.0
  • 18:15  Potential pitfalls when adopting Industry 4.0
  • 22:20  Debunking stereotypes about Southeast Asia
  • 24:56  How Singapore can partner and support companiesโ€™ Industry 4.0 journey

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