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3 Ways for Professionals to Get Work Visa in Singapore

3 Ways for Professionals to Get Work Visa in Singapore

Having international work experience is great for your portfolio, and may even open doors for you years down the road.

There are so many countries in the world that are ideal for working and enhancing your experience, so which should you choose?

What Are the Benefits of Working in Singapore?

Singapore places first worldwide for the ethical behaviour of companies and hiring and firing practices based on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2019.

In addition, the Singapore Salary & Employment Insights Report by recruitment firm Hudson revealed that about 53% of the employers surveyed aim to peg salary increases at 3 – 5% for the coming year.

Make your way to Singapore if this sounds good to you. However, in order to work here legally, you must have a valid work visa in the country.

How Can I Get a Work Visa in Singapore?

Other than the Personalised Employment Pass (PEP), all work visas are tied to employers. Hence, any change in your employment will require a change in your work visa.

Your visa options depend on your profile and experience. Let’s discover the 3 most common ways for professionals to work in Singapore.

Work Visa in Singapore for Professionals, Managers, or Executives (PME)

It is essential to be employed first. Your work visa application can only be made by your employer and on your behalf.

Depending on your experience and qualifications, you may be granted the Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass.

To obtain an EP from 1 January 2025, you must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,600 in all sectors, and at least S$6,200 in the financial services sector​.

As of 1 September 2023, the minimum qualifying salary for S Pass holders is S$3,150 in all sectors and S$3,650 in the financial services sector. For renewals from 1 September 2024, this will increase to at least S$3,300 in all sectors and S$3,800 in the financial services sector.

If you’ve accumulated more experience, the authorities expect you to command a higher salary that reflects the quality and expertise you are bringing to the firm.

New Changes to EP Eligibility

As of 1 September 2022, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) applied progressive changes for EP applications.
They include the need to pass 2 stages:

  • Stage 1: Meet at least the pay of the EP qualifying salary (from 1 Sept 2022)
  • Stage 2: Pass the new Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS), a points-based framework

You should also note that EP holders need to achieve a higher qualifying salary as of 1 Sept 2022:

Sectors Current Minimum Qualifying Salary New Minimum Qualifying Salary
All, except financial services S$4,500 S$5,000
Financial services S$5,000 S$5,500

Older EP holders (mid-40s) must earn progressively higher salaries, reaching up to S$11,800 for the financial services sector by 2025​.

Sectors Current Minimum Qualifying Salary New Minimum Qualifying Salary
All, except financial services S$8,400 S$10,500
Financial services S$9,300 S$11,800

New Changes to S Pass Qualifying Salary

Likewise, there are also impending changes to the S Pass eligibility as well. It will be increased in 3 steps:

Sector New Minimum Qualifying Salary (for new applications from 1 Sept 2022) New Minimum Qualifying Salary (for new applications from 1 Sept 2023) New Minimum Qualifying Salary (for new applications from 1 Sept 2025)
All, except financial services S$3,000 (S$4,500 for mid-40s) S$3,150 S$3,300
Financial services S$3,500 (S$5,500 for mid-40s) S$3,650 S$3,800

If You’re a Subject-Matter Expert or Gold-Collar Professional

You would fare well by applying for the Personalised Employment Pass (PEP). This is independent of any employer and allows you to pursue opportunities in Singapore without affecting your Pass validity.

After you have a PEP, you can stay in Singapore for up to 6 months, in between jobs, to pursue a new employment opportunity.

However, the PEP is only valid for 3 years and is non-renewable. You need to either be an existing EP holder or an overseas-based applicant who has not been unemployed for more than 6 months at the time of application to apply.

For a personalised employment pass, you need a fixed annual salary of at least S$270,000 and a monthly salary of $22,500.

If You’re a Dependant of a Singapore Work Visa Holder

If you have relocated to Singapore with your spouse or parents e.g. EP or PEP holders, you are most likely to have a Dependant’s Pass (DP).

As a DP holder, you need a work pass to work in the country. If you intend to operate a business in the country, you need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) for you to work legally.

The upside is that there is no fee for an LOC application. However, if you have relocated to Singapore through the Long-term Visit Pass (LTVP), your employer needs to apply for a work visa for you.

You can stay here for up to 2 years, which is linked to the validity of the main work pass. As of 1 Feb 2022, full vaccination against COVID-19 is also a condition for DP approval.

Summary of Singapore Work Visa Requirements

Profile Criteria
Employment Pass
  • You are a professional, managerial personnel, executive or specialist. You have an employment offer from a Singapore employer
  • You are an entrepreneur or managing director of a Singapore company and wish to relocate to manage your company operations
  • A recognised diploma/degree qualification
  • Professional, specialist or educational qualifications
  • Relevant work experience


  • Good job profile, salary, and work experience;
  • Good employer track record, high company paid-up capital and tax contributions
  • Possess strategic and in-demand skills in sunrise industries
  • You are a technopreneur/founder of an R&D-intensive enterprise and are ready to open and run a new private limited company
Personalised Employment Pass
  • You are a subject matter expert or gold collar professional
  • Must earn a minimum annual fixed salary of $144,000
  • Overseas professionals, who are not unemployed for longer than 6 consecutive months, must have at least $18,000 as their last drawn fixed monthly salary
Dependant’s Pass
  • You have relocated with your spouse or parent and want to work in Singapore
  • Your prospective employer needs to apply for a DP for you
  • You need a work pass if you wish to work in Singapore
  • If you wish to operate a business, you need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) with MOM before you commence work
  • Fully vaccinated against COVID-19


  • Yes, you need to obtain a work visa through your employer in order to start working in Singapore. Most work visas are tied to employers except for the Personalised Employment Pass (PEP).
  • An Employment Pass or S Pass is suitable for workers in managerial or executive positions. In order to obtain these visas, you will need to be employed by the company first and the company will then proceed to apply for a suitable work visa for you.
  • Yes, it may be comparatively easier to obtain a work visa in Singapore as compared to some other countries like China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.

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