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Singapore Work Pass Rejections and Appeals

Singapore Work Pass Rejections and Appeals

On this page, you will learn what to do if your Employment Pass application is rejected, and how InCorp can help you in the appeal process.

InCorp has been providing professional migration services since 1998. InCorp holds the status of a duly licensed employment agency with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). You can leave your concerns to rest and trust our specialists to provide a thorough assessment of all factors of your application and ensure that it meets the current standards of review. Our reliable guidance and high success rate come with years of experience and continually staying abreast with Singapore’s immigration regulatory updates.

Singapore Work Pass Rejections and Appeals

Singapore Employment Pass Application Rejection

In the event that your Singapore Employment Pass application is rejected by MOM, an appeal must be submitted in writing to MOM’s Work Pass Division. InCorp will investigate why your application has been rejected.

Processing Time

In the event that your work pass application or renewal is rejected by the authority, our specialists will establish a firm appeal in defence of your position. InCorp is committed to putting your best case forward in every application or appeal.

It will take at least four weeks or more to process an appeal, depending on the complexity of the case.

Singapore Employment Work Pass Visa Processing Services

With InCorp’s dedicated Singapore work visa processing unit, clients need only deal with one party for all expatriate work pass administrative needs. InCorp handles the paperwork and processes involved in obtaining the relevant visas for expatriate employees.

People also ask

  • If your application for a Singapore S pass is rejected, the Ministry of Manpower has probably declined you for not meeting one of the following criteria:
    • Having a degree or diploma
    • Earning at least $2,500 per month (effective 1 Oct 2020)
    There are some ways to get an S Pass without strictly meeting the criteria, for example they might accept a technical certificate instead of a degree or diploma. If your S Pass application is rejected, you are best to talk to a registered Singapore service provider that can appeal your application to live and work in Singapore. Have a look at our Work Pass Rejection and Appeals page to find out more.
  • An online application for an Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore usually takes between 1 to 10 working days to be approved. If your application is a bit more complicated, you will need to make a manual application, which may take 3 to 6 weeks to be approved. To help make sure your EP application is approved as quickly as possible, please keep in mind:
    • You should use a registered local service provider to help you with you Singapore Employment Pass application. That way you can be assured you have all the right paperwork in order.
    • The company you have been employed by must already be incorporated in Singapore. If it is a newly incorporated company, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will need up to 14 extra working days to process your application.
    If your Singapore Employment Pass is approved, there may still be some paperwork you will need to do. This extra paperwork should only take 1 or 2 days.
  • It usually takes about 3 weeks to process an appeal for renewal for your Singapore Work Permit/Visa. If you’d like to know more about appealing or renewing your Singapore Work Permit/Visa, you can check out our Singapore Work Pass Rejections and Appeals page.
  • You can apply for your Employment Pass (EP) online with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), but we’d recommend you get the help of a registered relocation service provider to ensure your application is processed correctly, and with minimum fuss. The Singapore Employment Pass is a 2 year (renewable up to 3 years) visa for foreign professionals (e.g. managers, executives). To qualify, you’ll need:
    • To have a job with a registered local employer in Singapore.
    • To be in a managerial, executive, or specialised role.
    • Relevant qualifications for your industry/role.
    • To prove you earn $4,500 per month.
  • In comparison to some other countries, yes, it can be relatively easy to get a Singapore work visa. There are different kinds of Singapore working visas, that fall under simple categories depending on your skillset, income, and experience:
    1. Singapore S Pass is for foreign, mid-skilled workers (technicians etc.) wishing to work in Singapore.
    2. Singapore Employment Pass is for foreign professionals (manager/executives, etc.) wishing to work in Singapore.
    3. Singapore Entrepreneur Pass is for foreign business owners who wish to move their business to Singapore.
    4. Singapore Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) is for foreign, top-tier executives (CEO, COO, etc.) wishing to work in Singapore.
  • The minimum salary for an Employment Pass in Singapore is $4,500 per month. As well as this proof of your earnings, you will need to show:
    • You have a job offer from an approved company in Singapore.
    • You will be in a managerial, executive, or specialised role.
    • You have the relevant qualifications for your role.
    • Singapore’s Employment Pass prefers younger applicants who have graduated from good educational institutions. If you don’t strictly meet all of the criteria, you may still qualify for a Singapore Employment Pass, but you would need to have a higher salary and position.

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