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Ease of Doing Business: Singapore vs. United Kingdom

What is the difference between doing business in Singapore and the United Kingdom?

Both the United Kingdom and Singapore have a great business environment but they also have their individual strengths and weaknesses. 

According to the World’s Ease of Doing Business Report 2020, Singapore ranks 2nd and the United Kingdom’ rank is 8th. Additionally, both countries have high internet speeds of 10.8 Mbps and 16.9 Mbps, respectively. Through this infographic, both countries will be compared in terms of Demography, Company Incorporation Process, Corporate Tax Rate, Internet Speed and IP Protection Laws, a macro outlook of both Asian countries and ease of incorporating your own company.

If you’re planning to start your business in Singapore or the United Kingdom, this infographic will be a useful tool in helping you in your decision making process.

Ease of Doing Business: Singapore vs. United Kingdom

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